Scan date : 02/06/2024 09:40
DayHourType Event Name LangEvent nameShort EventExtended LangExtended Event
03/0602h05>02h25 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 29.AnimiranihrvLooney graðevinci ¾ele proizvesti po¹tansko vozilo kako bi pomogli kitu Winstonu, no on nije navikao raditi s drugima.
03/0602h25>02h35 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 27.AnimiranihrvSirena Milena anga¾ira Looney graðevince za izgradnju poligona za Igre male ¹kole ¹koljkice ©tefice, no Lola ne slu¹a svoju ekipu.
03/0602h35>02h50 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 24.AnimiranihrvSestre Mi¹ zaposle Looney graðevince za izgradnju sirnog bistroa. Silvestru nije najbolji dan, a od njega se oèekuje mural.
03/0602h50>03h00 (0x00) ?hrvBatwheels, ep. 31.As iz rukava AnimiranihrvKada dobroæudni Buff spasi skupinu uliènih pasa, koju predvodi hrabri pas lutalica, on ih odvodi k sebi u bat-peæinu i krije to od ostatka bat-obitelji.
03/0603h00>03h15 (0x00) ?hrvBatwheels, ep. 40.Zamjena bet-uloga AnimiranihrvNakon ¹to pristanu zamijeniti matiène ploèe, Batwheels moraju nabrzinu nauèiti "voziti na tuðim kotaèima" kako bi zaustavili Legiju okretnih koja se pribli¾ava!
03/0603h15>03h25 (0x00) ?hrvBatwheels, ep. 39.Jet u novoj situaciji AnimiranihrvNakon ¹to je odbila vje¾bati nove podvodne vje¹tine, Batwing ne uspije spasiti Batmana iz Pingvinove klopke. Batwheels moraju pomoæi Batwing da se uvje¾ba prije novog poku¹aja.
03/0603h25>03h35 (0x00) ?hrvBatwheels, ep. 38.Nije Bibin dan AnimiranihrvBibi je grozan dan, ni¹ta joj ne polazi za rukom i Joker pobjegne. Smatra da vi¹e ne mo¾e pomoæi Batgirl, no lo¹ dan danas ne znaèi da æe i sutra biti lo¹ dan.
03/0603h35>03h50 (0x00) ?hrvBatwheels, ep. 32.Strah od mehanièara AnimiranihrvJestah se priprema za natjecanje s ostalim Okretnima i pritom se ozlijedi. Bibi joj pomogne prevladati strah od odlaska mehanièaru tako da nakraju popravljena stigne na natjecanje.
03/0603h50>04h00 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 10.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0604h00>04h05 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 11.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0604h05>04h15 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 12.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0604h15>04h20 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 13.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0604h20>04h30 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 14.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0604h30>04h35 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 15.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0604h35>04h40 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 16.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0604h40>04h50 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 17.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0604h50>05h00 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 18.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0605h00>05h05 (0x00) ?hrvMoæni Mike, ep. 39.AnimiranihrvMike's chess game with Iris is rudely interrupted by a loud commotion from the house. Fluffy has found the robotic vacuum and is riding it around the house like a stunt cat. Meanwhile, the racoons use the distraction to try to get their hands on their very own Holy Grail - a huge sausage xxx is saving for dinner. Mike will need every ounce of his smarts to chase the raccoons from the house and save Fluffy from the clutches of the demonic vacuum.
03/0605h05>05h10 (0x00) ?hrvMoæni Mike, ep. 40.AnimiranihrvMercury is rummaging through the trash bin and digs out a piece of rotten, disgusting Camembert. He wolfs the rancid cheese down, turning his breath into a weapon of mass destruction. Thinking quickly, Freddy uses Mercury's pungent breath to help them rob the Mikklesens. This mortifies Mike, who is having Iris over for dinner. Mike has no choice but to fight fire with fire. A stinky fight breaks out and there can only be one winner!
03/0605h10>05h25 (0x00) ?hrvMoæni Mike, ep. 41.AnimiranihrvThe turtles have a falling out and Aramis decides she's had enough and stalks off. The other two turtles realize that things aren't the same without their best friend and turn to Mike for help. Mike organizes a search party to find their missing friend. Mercury and Aramis become unlikely allies and Freddy sees a way to exploit this new friendship for his own selfish ends.
03/0605h25>05h30 (0x00) ?hrvMoæni Mike, ep. 42.AnimiranihrvThings are mysteriously disappearing from the Mikkelsen's house and Mike can't seem to get to the bottom of it. The raccoons have find an ingenious way to sneak in right under Mike's nose without being noticed by using the air vents! By the time Mike catches on, the racoons are mid-heist and they've kidnapped Fluffy in the process. Mike now has to decide whether he saves Fluffy or stops the racoons from making off with their loot.
03/0605h30>05h40 (0x00) ?hrvMoæni Mike, ep. 43.AnimiranihrvIt's Easter, and Mike organizes a super special Easter egg hunt for Iris but the raccoons can't resist crashing the party. Mercury gets a hold of the special egg Mike was saving for Iris - thinking that a baby raccoon will hatch from it if he sits on it long enough. But it's no ordinary egg - Mike has slipped an engagement ring inside! Now he's desperate to get it back - and keep it safe in the process.
03/0605h40>05h45 (0x00) ?hrvMoæni Mike, ep. 44.AnimiranihrvMike decides to invite Iris over to dance so he can show off his moves. Unfortunately, the raccoons sabotage Mike's plans by breaking in and robbing the kitchen. There's going to be only one way to settle things... a dance off. But Mike may have underestimated Mercury's dance skills.
03/0605h45>06h00 (0x00) ?hrvMoæni Mike, ep. 45.AnimiranihrvThe Mikkelsens order a pizza for a post sports game dinner. It's the worst kind of torture for Mike. He can barely resist the delicious smell teasing his nostrils. He must resist! But more importantly he has to keep the salivating raccoons out of the house and as far away from the pizza as possible. Let's only hope Mike, and more importantly the pizza, can survive the ordeal.
03/0606h00>06h10 (0x00) ?hrvBatwheels, ep. 12.Peæino, draga peæino AnimiranihrvNakon ¹to Joker poplavi bet-peæinu, Batwheels se moraju preseliti u obli¾nju gara¾u. Tijekom prilagodbe na novi dom, uèe va¾nu lekciju o obitelji i tome kako se najbolje snaæi u danim okolnostima.
03/0606h10>06h25 (0x00) ?hrvBatwheels, ep. 11.Redbirdov dan na pla¾i AnimiranihrvRedbird je uzbuðen jer ide s Batmanom, Robinom i Bamom na pla¾u! No, pojavi se Joker s kombijem Prankom i pokvare mu planove. Bam mu pomogne da shvati kako su ipak proveli super dan na pla¾i unatoè tomu ¹to su se stvari odvile drukèije!
03/0606h25>06h40 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 42.AnimiranihrvJoin the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
03/0606h40>06h55 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 43.AnimiranihrvJoin the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
03/0606h55>07h05 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 41.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0607h05>07h10 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 42.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0607h10>07h15 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 43.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0607h15>07h30 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 44.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0607h30>07h40 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 45.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0607h40>07h45 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 46.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0607h45>08h00 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 47.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0608h00>08h10 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 16.Bitka na pla¾i AnimiranihrvLooney graðevinci natjeèu se u izgradnji kula od pijeska i Èièi poène sumnjati u svoju ideju nakon ¹to vidi konkurenciju.
03/0608h10>08h20 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 18.Pojaèanje AnimiranihrvLooney graðevinci poma¾u Petuniji u izgradnji staklenika, no ona ne mo¾e doèekati da povræe naraste pa èini sve da ubrza proces.
03/0608h20>08h30 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 5.Majstor Patak AnimiranihrvGlazbeni spot u kojemu patak Dodo svojim kiperom prevozi materijal i zafrkava se dok radi.
03/0608h30>08h40 (0x00) ?hrvJessicin veliki maleni svijet, ep. 5.Svjetleæa igraèka AnimiranihrvKad otkrije da njezina nova igraèka ne radi kako bi trebala, Jessica je nauèi cijeniti na drugaèiji naèin.
03/0608h40>09h00 (0x00) ?hrvJessicin veliki maleni svijet, ep. 6.Jessicin restoran AnimiranihrvJessica otvori restoran s prijateljem Stanleighjem. Hoæe li gosti restorana biti zadovoljni?
03/0609h00>09h10 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 19.AnimiranihrvJoin the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
03/0609h10>09h25 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 20.AnimiranihrvJoin the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
03/0609h25>09h35 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 21.AnimiranihrvJoin Mr Bean on his weird, hilarious adventures with Teddy!
03/0609h35>09h55 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 22.AnimiranihrvJoin Mr Bean on his weird, hilarious adventures with Teddy!
03/0609h55>10h05 (0x00) ?hrvPauèiæ Lucas, ep. 22.Novi pauk u gradu AnimiranihrvLucas se sprijatelji sa svijetloljubièastom pauèicom, a Findley postane ljubomoran.
03/0610h05>10h10 (0x00) ?hrvPauèiæ Lucas, ep. 23.Veseli su¾ivot AnimiranihrvLucas i Findley zajedno se useljavaju u kuæicu za lutke.
03/0610h10>10h15 (0x00) ?hrvPauèiæ Lucas, ep. 24.Lucase, imamo problem! AnimiranihrvLucas poku¹ava pomoæi Bodhi da ispuni svoj novootkriveni san i dotakne zvijezdu.
03/0610h15>10h30 (0x00) ?hrvPauèiæ Lucas, ep. 25.Potraga za jajetom AnimiranihrvLucas pronaðe jaje i odluèi se pobrinuti za njega, ali shvaæa da je te¹ko biti odgovoran.
03/0610h30>10h40 (0x00) ?hrvMuh-muh i Gljivani, ep. 1.AnimiranihrvMush-Mush and friends' favourite play tree - the Fun Tree - is rotten and doomed. But Mush-Mush refuses to give up on it. In a last ditch effort to save the tree, our friends adventure off to try and track down the legendary Starmush, hoping his mysterious healing powers can save it.
03/0610h40>11h00 (0x00) ?hrvMuh-muh i Gljivani, ep. 2.AnimiranihrvWhen Fung and Miff spoil Mush-Mush's fun tunnel surprise he has been working on for ages, he wishes their day was ruined too. And then it is, because they are taken by Muddler! Now our Mushlers have to go on a rescue mission to save Fung and Miff.
03/0611h00>11h05 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 59.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0611h05>11h10 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 60.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0611h10>11h25 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 61.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0611h25>11h35 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 62.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0611h35>11h40 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 63.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0611h40>11h45 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 64.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0611h45>12h00 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 3.AnimiranihrvThe storm of the century is brewing -- according to Tuffy and Jerry, that is, who are giving Tom a little payback for tormenting them earlier. Spike also gets caught up in the hysteria over the impending storm. When Spike uncovers the ruse, the mice must brace for their own storm.
03/0612h00>12h10 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 35.Medojedi AnimiranihrvKraljica Matica Ko¹jenka anga¾ira Looney graðevince za gradnju punionice meda u svojoj ko¹nici, gdje vrijedi jedno pravilo kojega se graðevinci te¹ko dr¾e.
03/0612h10>12h25 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 32.©a¹avci AnimiranihrvBraæa Dabriæ anga¾iraju Looney graðevince za izgradnju kolibe od trupaca, no ubrzo uzrokuju smetnje jer se previ¹e zezaju.
03/0612h25>12h35 (0x00) ?hrvJessicin veliki maleni svijet, ep. 5.Svjetleæa igraèka AnimiranihrvKad otkrije da njezina nova igraèka ne radi kako bi trebala, Jessica je nauèi cijeniti na drugaèiji naèin.
03/0612h35>12h55 (0x00) ?hrvJessicin veliki maleni svijet, ep. 6.Jessicin restoran AnimiranihrvJessica otvori restoran s prijateljem Stanleighjem. Hoæe li gosti restorana biti zadovoljni?
03/0612h55>13h00 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 35.AnimiranihrvTom has the hiccups. He's tried everything to get rid of them but nothing is working. The witches decide the only thing that will cure him is a good scare so they banish him to the Wicked Forest of Very Scary Things. But there isn't really anything that frightening out there so they enlist Jerry to conjure up some scares using one of their wands. Jerry is only too happy to oblige and takes full advantage of the situation. Ultimately after trying a myriad of spells and scares it's not Jerry who rids Tom of his hiccups but something completely unexpected from deep within the Wicked Forest!
03/0613h00>13h10 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 36.AnimiranihrvAfter a particularly rough cat and mouse fight, Jerry quits! Tom is stunned as he watches his little friend storm off to his hole, pack up his belongings and leave. First, Jerry tries moving in next door but that's where Bruno lives. Jerry settles for the house on the other side of his old digs where a rather large, sedentary cat lives. At first, Jerry enjoys his unfettered access to the kitchen but it has its drawbacks: he's constantly having to expand the opening to his new hole because of his weight gain. He first looks to Spike for companionship but that doesn't end well. Then he actively seeks a new mouse-mate, but there's a lot of crazy mice out there, especially one named Mickey. Then Tom and Jerry catch a glimpse of each other through the windows of their adjacent houses. One thing leads to another and the chase that's been happening for decades, continues.
03/0613h10>13h20 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 37.AnimiranihrvHildie and Beatie bring home a magic ogre's tooth and they warn Tom and Jerry not to touch it. When the witches leave Tom and Jerry try to make each other touch the tooth. When they accidentally both touch the tooth they find out it has greater powers than they could've imagined. Then they proceed to fight over who gets to keep the precious tooth. In the end the ogre returns for his tooth and snatches it away.
03/0613h20>13h30 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 38.AnimiranihrvAfter accidentally locking Tom and Jerry in the garage an exhausted Rick reports that he's finished organizing the garage for the big yard sale in the morning. Better get to bed because they've got to get up bright and early! When Spike realizes Tyke's first collar (the one he had as a wee-pup) was tossed in a box of pet items to be sold he recruits Tom and Jerry to help him get it back. They successfully return the collar to Spike but not before being locked in the garage for the night and doing battle using every yard sale toy houseware item gadget and yard tool at their disposal to survive each other.
03/0613h30>13h35 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 39.AnimiranihrvHildie has just received another dozen black roses from her secret admirer (to go along with the other ghastly gifts she's been receiving the past week e.g. personalized headstone cracked mirror etc...). Curiosity piqued Hildie puts Tom (and Jerry) up to the task of finding out who her admirer is! Tom's search starts across the forest at the Enchanted Flower Shop where he encounters a whole slew of frightful arrangements before following a few more dead ends. In the end the identity of the gift-giver is revealed; it was Newt all along (who felt bad for Hildie who'd been feeling like nothing but an old hag lately)!
03/0613h35>13h40 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 64.AnimiranihrvMore fun and battling adventures with the duelling cat and mouse, Tom and Jerry.
03/0613h40>14h00 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 71.AnimiranihrvThe iconic cat and mouse rivals are back in "The Tom and Jerry Show", a fresh take on the classic series.
03/0614h00>14h10 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 1.AnimiranihrvJoin the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
03/0614h10>14h25 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 2.AnimiranihrvJoin the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
03/0614h25>14h35 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 3.AnimiranihrvJoin the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
03/0614h35>14h55 (0x00) ?hrvMr. Bean: Animirana serija, ep. 4.AnimiranihrvJoin the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
03/0614h55>15h00 (0x00) ?hrvPauèiæ Lucas, ep. 58.®elim svog ®iriæa! AnimiranihrvArlo poklanja svoj ¾ir Bodhi. Ali uskoro ga ¾eli natrag.
03/0615h00>15h05 (0x00) ?hrvPauèiæ Lucas, ep. 59.Smijuljenje AnimiranihrvArlo pogre¹no shvati lekciju o smijanju drugima.
03/0615h05>15h15 (0x00) ?hrvPauèiæ Lucas, ep. 60.Pasji ¾ivot AnimiranihrvAvokado prijatelji izvode u ¹etnju.
03/0615h15>15h30 (0x00) ?hrvPauèiæ Lucas, ep. 61.Velika utrka AnimiranihrvLucas i Findley utrkuju se po kuæi kako bi odredili tko je najbr¾i kada nisu na svom terenu.
03/0615h30>15h40 (0x00) ?hrvMuh-muh i Gljivani, ep. 9.AnimiranihrvWhen ants invade Fung and Miff's tree, our Mushlers offer for them to move in... but the two quickly turn out to be unbearable roommates. So when Fung and Miff break their trampoline, our friends decide it's time for them to go back to their homes. But first they need to get rid of the ants...
03/0615h40>16h00 (0x00) ?hrvMuh-muh i Gljivani, ep. 3.AnimiranihrvWhen an egg blows down into the village, it is Mush-Mush and friends' mission to return it to Mush Mountain.
03/0616h00>16h10 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 34.©i¹mi¹ica Katica Animiranihrv©unkiæa muèe neke stvari dok Looney graðevinci grade naopako okrenuti radijski studio za ¹i¹mi¹icu Katicu, no ne ka¾e to drugima.
03/0616h10>16h30 (0x00) ?hrvZekoslav Mrkva i graðevinci, ep. 35.Medojedi AnimiranihrvKraljica Matica Ko¹jenka anga¾ira Looney graðevince za gradnju punionice meda u svojoj ko¹nici, gdje vrijedi jedno pravilo kojega se graðevinci te¹ko dr¾e.
03/0616h30>16h40 (0x00) ?hrvJessicin veliki maleni svijet, ep. 7.Blizanka AnimiranihrvKad Jessica na igrali¹tu upozna djevojèicu koja joj jako slièi, ona i njezina vr¹njakinja brzo se pove¾u.
03/0616h40>16h55 (0x00) ?hrvJessicin veliki maleni svijet, ep. 8.Je¾ Bocko AnimiranihrvDok Jessica èuva Stanleighjeva ljubimca je¾a mora se nauèiti brzo snalaziti.
03/0616h55>17h00 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 39.AnimiranihrvHildie has just received another dozen black roses from her secret admirer (to go along with the other ghastly gifts she's been receiving the past week e.g. personalized headstone cracked mirror etc...). Curiosity piqued Hildie puts Tom (and Jerry) up to the task of finding out who her admirer is! Tom's search starts across the forest at the Enchanted Flower Shop where he encounters a whole slew of frightful arrangements before following a few more dead ends. In the end the identity of the gift-giver is revealed; it was Newt all along (who felt bad for Hildie who'd been feeling like nothing but an old hag lately)!
03/0617h00>17h10 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 48.AnimiranihrvIt's Tom's wedding day! He's getting married to Toodles in a backyard wedding that we're experiencing thru the eyes of his best friend Jerry. Puuuuurfeeecttt in every way then the crap hits the mouse hole: 1) Jerry becomes Tom's wedding gift to Toodles. 2) Then Jerry becomes a pool boy for the cat's romantic honeymoon (neighbor's pool). 3) Then Jerry becomes a maid when the two settle down together in Rick and Gingers house. 4) Then a nanny/cat toy when they have an endless litter of kids. When it can't possibly get worse Jerry wakes up and tosses Toodles who shows up looking for Tom out of the house!
03/0617h10>17h25 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 44.AnimiranihrvGinger accidentally backs her car over Butch's tail. Feeling awful she brings the alley cat into her home until he's feeling better. Butch is finally getting what he's wanted much to Tom's chagrin especially now that Ginger's having him take care of the poor injured cat. Jerry revels in the situation until he realizes that two idiot cats are more trouble than one and Jerry's getting his butt whooped. Now Jerry must prove that Butch is rehabilitated in order to return him to the alley where he belongs and return his life.
03/0617h25>17h30 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 46.AnimiranihrvWhen Spike's poker playing pals go missing he hires the cat and mouse detective to find out where they've gone.
03/0617h30>17h35 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 45.AnimiranihrvAfter Rick and Ginger install a high-tech, state-of-the-art home security system, Tom and Jerry's shenanigans activate the home's automation system. Using the system against each other, they quickly lose control and the house shuts them down.
03/0617h35>17h45 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 78.AnimiranihrvJerry leads an accident-prone scouting troop, earning badges and creating mayhem for Tom.
03/0617h45>18h00 (0x00) ?hrvTom i Jerry Show, ep. 51.AnimiranihrvThe iconic cat and mouse rivals are back in "The Tom and Jerry Show", a fresh take on the classic series.
03/0618h00>18h10 (0x00) ?hrvBatwheels, ep. 30.AnimiranihrvPingvin je Batwheele pogodio zrakom svoga Pjevatora i oni sad meðusobno mogu komunicirati samo pjesmom! Morat æe nauèiti skladno pjevati kako bi ga pobijedili.
03/0618h10>18h25 (0x00) ?hrvBatwheels, ep. 21.AnimiranihrvBem odluèi o¾ivjeti Catwomanin Catmobil Macu kako bi mogla igrati batball s Batwheelima, no Macu je jako te¹ko zauzdati.
03/0618h25>18h35 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 62.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0618h35>18h40 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 63.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0618h40>18h55 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 64.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0618h55>19h00 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 65.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0619h00>19h10 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 66.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0619h10>19h15 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 67.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0619h15>19h30 (0x00) ?hrvMedo Grizli i male napasti, ep. 68.Animiranihrv"Medo Grizli i male napasti" francuska je animirana serija koju je osmislio Josselin Charier, a producirao Studio Hari za France Télévisions i Boomerang France. Serija prati dogodov¹tine medvjeda Grizlija i malih napasti - leminga, koji ¾ive u brvnari ¹umskog rend¾era dok je on odsutan.
03/0619h30>19h40 (0x00) ?hrvMuh-muh i Gljivani, ep. 9.AnimiranihrvWhen ants invade Fung and Miff's tree, our Mushlers offer for them to move in... but the two quickly turn out to be unbearable roommates. So when Fung and Miff break their trampoline, our friends decide it's time for them to go back to their homes. But first they need to get rid of the ants...
03/0619h40>20h00 (0x00) ?hrvMuh-muh i Gljivani, ep. 3.AnimiranihrvWhen an egg blows down into the village, it is Mush-Mush and friends' mission to return it to Mush Mountain.